Association of Financial Workers s involved in various activities related to public funding reform and improving financial administration at the municipal level. The association represents the interests of the municipalities in the financial sphere by participating in the “working group” formed by the Ministry of Local Self-Government, responsible for reviewing the existing laws governing finances and giving recommendations to the Ministry of Local Self-Government for drafting a Law on Financing Units. Local government. In addition to publishing the monthly Bulletin, the Association has organized and sponsored several workshops and seminars in the following areas: Techniques for preparing municipal budgets; Cost analysis; Application of the Law on Public Procurement; International Accounting Standards; Local government reform; The need for fiscal decentralization, Office and archive work, Budgeting process, Reporting process, Preparation of annual accounts, Administration of local taxes and fees, Internal control and audit, Treasury operations, etc. These are activities of continuous education of the membership.
- Increasing the skills and knowledge of the internal auditors in auditing the key processes in the public sector entities as a basic precondition for ensuring legal action and providing support to the head of the entity, June (Berovo);
- Experiences from the practical implementation of the provisions of the new Law on Public Procurement and guidelines for action, May (Skopje and Bitola);
- Practical implementation of the provisions of the new Law on Public Procurement, March (Skopje);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for 2018 for budgets, budget users, beneficiary units, public institutions, public health institutions and public enterprises, January (Skopje and Bansko, Republic of Bulgaria);
- Practical implementation of the provisions of the new Law on Public Procurement, December (Skopje);
- Inventory of funds and their sources with budget users, user units, public institutions, public enterprises, companies and other legal entities for the reporting period – 2018 as well as the tax treatment of the identified shortages, November (Skopje);
- Budgeting / Adoption Process of the Municipal Budget for 2019 as a tool for delivery of quality services to citizens, business community, NGOs and other stakeholders, October (Skopje);
- Challenges in public procurement – implementation of the existing Law on Public Procurement and introduction to the new draft – Law on Public Procurement, September (Berovo);
- Audit of the financial statements and performance audit conducted by the internal audit, activity aimed at supporting the head of the entity to achieve the set goals, September (Struga);
- Manner of acting of the budgets, budget users and user units in recording the transactions in the business books, giving items on lease, recording and reporting the liabilities and the budgeting process, June (Skopje);
- Challenges in public procurement – application of the existing Law on Public Procurement and introduction to the new Draft – Law on Public Procurement, May (Skopje);
- Good practice in the implementation of public procurement, forthcoming reforms in the field of public procurement and most frequently identified irregularities in the award of public procurement contracts, March (Skopje);
- Establishment of financial management and control of public sector entities, employment and promotion of administrative staff and establishment of a register of public sector employees, March (Skopje);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for 2017 in budgets, budget users, beneficiary units, public institutions, public health institutions and public enterprises, January (Bansko, Republic of Bulgaria) / February (Skopje and Berovo);
- Public procurement planning is a basic precondition for proper award of public procurement contracts, December (Skopje),
- Budget process, efficiency, transparency, accountability and challenges in assuming the position of Mayor of the local self-government units, November (Skopje),
- Inventory of funds and their sources with budget users, user units, public institutions, public enterprises, companies and other legal entities for the reporting period – 2017 as well as the tax treatment of the identified shortages, November (Skopje);
- Guidelines for the manner of acting in the part of: calculation of fees, recognition of subsequent events in tangible assets, determination of the minimum wage and treasury operations, September (Struga); Guidelines Translations of guidelines NounFrequency директива directions, guidelines See also guideline
- Comprehensive concept for proper planning of internal audit as a basis for a quality audit report, with special reference to performance audit and IT audit, September (Struga);
- Proper handling in determining the remuneration of salaries, expenditure of movables and small inventory, prerequisite for proper recording in the business books, May-June (Struga);
- INFO Sessions “Development of investment project proposals for financing from the IPARD Program, May (Bitola, Strumica, Veles, Stip);
- Audit risk model, determination of sample size and sample selection techniques, May (Veles);
- Experiences and recommendations for proper application of the law in public procurement procedures from the aspect of the competent authorities, April (Skopje);
- Public procurement planning and determining the type of procedure for awarding a public procurement contract, January (Skopje);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for 2016 in budgets, budget users, beneficiary units, public institutions, public health institutions and public enterprises, January (Bansko, R.Bulgaria) / February (Skopje);
- Preparation and appropriate presentation of information in the financial statements of public enterprises, December (Veles);
- Public procurement planning and the manner of awarding a public procurement contract – how to achieve greater efficiency and economy, December (Skopje);
- Inventory of funds and their sources with budget users, user units, public institutions, public enterprises, companies and other legal entities for the reporting period – 2016 as well as other current topics, November (Skopje);
- Budgeting process in the units of local self-government and treasury operations, October (Skopje);
- Public procurement through the prism of practical experience – how to get less problems, September / October (Struga);
- Donations and sponsorships in public activities, recording of liabilities and their reporting to the competent authorities, hiring volunteers and tax treatment of fees for their engagement, accounting of VAT, innovations in the VAT system, registration of individuals for VAT purposes and topics in the field of treasury operations, June-July (Struga);
- Challenges before the internal auditors for the successful, quality and timely planning, execution and reporting of the financial audit, May (Struga);
- Public procurement through the prism of practical experience – how to have fewer problems, May (Bitola);
- Manner of handling movables, receipt and issuance of oil derivatives received from competent authorities, recognition and payment of fees, Annual Report (GI) in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Internal Financial Control, as well as the provisions and handling of the Law on Administrative Servants and the Law on Public Employees, April (Skopje);
- Challenges of local taxation and the application of the new Methodology for determining the market value of real estate, April (Veles);
- Public Procurement and Practical Experiences in Risk Prevention in Awarding Public Procurement Contracts, March (Strumica);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for 2015 for budgets, budget users, beneficiary units, public institutions, public health institutions and public enterprises, January (Skopje, Vrljaчкаka Banja-Republic of Serbia);
- Practical application of the Law on Administrative Servants and the Law on Public Employees in the preparation of acts for internal organization and systematization of jobs and implementation of the procedure for evaluation of administrative employees, December (Skopje);
- Public Procurement Planning (with special reference to multi-year public procurement contracts) and providing practical advice on how to facilitate the implementation of PPA procedures, December (Skopje);
- International Financial Reporting Standards IAS 2 – Inventories and IAS 7 – Cash Flow Statement, November (Veles);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities of budget users, user units, public institutions, public enterprises, companies and other legal entities for the reporting period – 2015 as well as other current topics, November (Skopje);
- Administration of local taxes and fees, measures and activities for increased collection of the same, September (Struga);
- Challenges in public procurement, practical experiences and application of the principle “VALUE FOR MONEY”, September (Struga);
- Latest changes in public procurement, May-June (Skopje, Dojran);
- Employees in the public sector (public enterprises) and their status in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Enterprises, the Law on Public Employees, the Law on Labor Relations, including the manner of employment and evaluation of employees in public enterprises, May (Skopje) ;
- Practical implementation of the laws and bylaws in the field of: use and disposal of items of state bodies, tax and accounting treatment of obsolete receivables, the manner of action of budget users and LSGUs in terms of VAT taxpayers, as well as administrative officials and employees in the public sector, May (Skopje);
- Internal audit and the challenges it faces in providing independent and objective assurance and advice to the head of the entity, April (Struga);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for 2014 for budgets, budget users, user units, public institutions, public health institutions and public enterprises, January (Skopje, Bansko-R.Bulgaria);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for 2014 with public enterprises, January (Veles);
- Planning the procurement needs in the current year by types of goods, services and works (Annual Public Procurement Plan), planning multi-year public procurement contracts, assessing the value of the public procurement contract, market analysis and experiences of providing consents from the Public Procurement Council, January 2015 (Skopje);
- Public enterprises, public legal bodies and municipalities in the VAT system, donations and sponsorships, profit tax, compulsory social security contributions and ………. (that is not all !!!!), December ( Skopje);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities of budget users, user units, public institutions, public enterprises, companies and other legal entities for the reporting period – 2014 as well as other current topics, November (Skopje);
- Implementation of the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement and its novelties, November (Skopje);
- News on financial operations, treasury operations and budgeting process, October (Dojran);
- The effectiveness of the internal audit in providing independent and objective assurance and advice to the head of the entity, September (Dojran);
- News in the field of VAT, donations and sponsorships in public activities, financial discipline, profit tax, administrative and public servants and their proper application in practice, June (Ohrid);
- Audit of operational success, June (Dojran);
- Administration of local taxes and fees and risks in their collection, May (Dojran);
- Current novelties in the Law on Public Procurement and the Electronic Public Procurement System, May (Skopje);
- Public Procurement, Administrative Officers, Public Sector Employees, February (Skopje);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for 2013 in budgets, budget users, user units, public institutions and public enterprises, January (Skopje, Bansko-R.Bulgaria)
- Application of the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement in practice, December (Skopje);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities of Budget Users, Unit Users, Public Institutions, Public Enterprises and Trade Companies and other legal entities from the public sector for the reporting period – 2013, November (Skopje);
- Consulting services for preparation and implementation of training on local public financial management, e-access to municipal financial information and initiation of social audit by NGOs, funded by UNDP under the Local Development Program, 4 regional workshops (Skopje, Veles, Strumica, Ohrid);
- Advanced training for internal audit in the public sector, September (Struga);
- Financial issues (budget and execution control, accounting, reporting), treasury operations and human resources for proper application of laws and bylaws, June (Struga);
- Public Procurement and Practical Experiences in the Public Sector, June (Struga);
- Tax liabilities and tax calendar of NGOs, May (Veles);
- Administration of Local Taxes and Fees and Inspection, May (Struga);
- Public Procurement and Qualification System, April (Veles);
- Successful implementation of public procurement procedures, proper use of the ESPP, e-procurement and e-auctions in 100% of the published announcements, February (Skopje);
- Preparation of financial statements / final accounts for 2012 for budgets, budget users, user units and public institutions including treasury operations, public administration reforms, public internal financial control and audit, January and February (Strumica, Skopje);
- Preparation of financial reports for 2012 at the Public and Public Utility Companies, January (Strumica);
- Treasury operations of budget users and units users of funds from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia and the Budget of the units of local self-government, December (Veles, Stip);
- Implementation of the Law on Communal Activities and the Law on Public Cleanliness in Practice, November (Veles);
- Public Procurement and the Electronic Public Procurement System, November (Bitola, Strumica);
- Inventory of assets and liabilities of budget users, user units, public institutions and other legal entities from the public sector for the reporting period – 2012, November (Veles);
- Inventory of assets and liabilities of public enterprises for the reporting period – November 2012 (Veles);
- Financial operations, public procurement and budgeting process, September (Dojran);
- Internal Audit Workshop, June (Struga);
- Public Procurement Workshop, June (Struga);
- Public Procurement Workshop, May (Skopje);
- Implementation of the provisions of the Law on Public Roads and the Law on Road Transport and the role and responsibilities of the competent supervisory authorities, March (Skopje);
- Novelties in the public procurement legislation, March (Veles);
- Preparation of financial statements / final account for PE and PCE for 2011, February (Skopje);
- Compilation of the final account for 2011, January (Skopje and Mavrovo);
- Novelties in the Public Procurement Legislation and ESPP, December (Skopje);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities of public enterprises, December (Skopje);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities of budget users, December (Skopje);
- Education in the field of local taxes and fees and inspection, October (Nov Dojran);
- Education in the field of public procurement, taxes, administrative procedure, inspection and presentation of FI, September (Struga);
- Increasing the skills of internal auditors in the public sector, September (Struga);
- Treasury operations, April (Mavrovo);
- Treasury operations, April (Bitola);
- Treasury operations,March (Shtip);
- Establishment of financial management and control, February (Skopje);
- Compilation of financial statements / final account for 2010 in budgets, budget users, user units and public institutions, January (Skopje);
- Preparation of the financial reports for 2010 at the Public and Public Utility Companies, January (Skopje);
- Amendments to the PPL in order to strengthen the administrative capacity, December (Skopje);
- Treasury operations, December (Skopje);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities as of 31.12.2010 and harmonization of the acts for systematization of jobs in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Servants (deadline 31.12.2010), November (Skopje);
- Quality control of the conducted internal audit, October (Veles);
- Financial Management and Control, October, 2 workshops (Veles);
- Improving the internal audit system of the local government of the Republic of Macedonia, September (Struga);
- Financial Management and Control, June (Struga);
- Internal Audit of Revenues and Receivables, May (Veles);
- Internal Audit of Public Procurement, May (Bitola);
- Financial Management and Control, April (Veles);
- Novelties in the Methodology for Determining the Market Value of Real Estate, April 2010 (Skopje);
- Financial Management and Control, April 2010 (Mavrovo);
- Preparation of the financial reports for 2009 at the Public and Public Utility Companies, February 2010 (Skopje);
- Compilation of the financial statements / final account for 2009 in the budgets, budget users, user units and public institutions, January 2010 (Skopje);
- Public Procurement in Practice, January 2010 (Skopje);
- Inventory of Material Assets, Claims and Liabilities, Implementation of Amendments to the Law on Civil Servants and the Law on Labor Relations, December 2009 (Skopje);
- Inventory of tangible assets, claims and liabilities and application of the provisions of the Law on Labor Relations, the Law on Payment Operations, the Law on Value Added Tax and the provisions of the Law on Public Cleanliness, December 2009 (Skopje);
- Tax system and administration of local taxes and fees in the Republic of Macedonia, November 2009 (Veles);
- Administration of Local Taxes and Fees, November 2009 (Skopje);
- Budgeting Process for 2010 and Treasury Operations, September 2009 (Skopje);
- Implementation of the Law on Public Internal Financial Control and Novelties in the Law on Civil Servants, September 2009 (Skopje);
- Public Procurement, the system of salaries, allowances, rewards, collective agreements, evaluation of civil servants, public financial control, administration of local taxes and fees and internal audit, June 2009 (Struga);
- Assessment and determination of local taxes and fees, May 2009 (Skopje);
- Public Procurement and their application in practice, the system of salaries, allowances, rewards, evaluations of civil servants and public financial control, April 2009 (Skopje);
- Compilation of the final account for 2008 with the public, ie public utility companies, February 2009 (Skopje);
- Compilation of the final account for 2008 in the budgets, budget users, user units and public institutions, January 2009 (Struga and Skopje);
- Public Procurement, the system of salaries, allowances, remuneration, evaluation of civil servants and public financial control – EU concept for stable and transparent financial management, September – October 2008 (Struga and Skopje);
- Identification of risks in LSGUs, June 2008 (Strumica);
- Execution of internal audit, June 2008 (Strumica);
- Preparation of program and annual plan for internal audit in LSGU, April 2008 (Veles);
- Calculation of the market value of business buildings, February 2008 (Skopje);
- Compilation of the annual account for 2007 with the Public, ie Public Utility Companies, February 2008 (Skopje);
- Compilation of the annual account for 2007 in the budgets, budget users and user units, January 2008 (Struga);
- Implementation of the Law on Public Procurement, December 2007, 2 workshops (Skopje and Struga);
- Inventory of tangible and intangible assets, receivables and payables and adjustment of accounting to factual balance, November 2007, (Skopje);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities and adjustment of accounting with factual situation, November 2007, (Skopje);
- Financial management for LSGUs that did not enter the second phase of fiscal decentralization, November 2007, 2 workshops (Struga and Veles);
- Treasury operations, November 2007, (Mavrovo);
- Law on VAT in practice, October 2007, (Skopje);
- Budgeting process in the LSGU, October 2007, (Skopje);
- Treasury operations, October 2007, (Veles);
- Participatory budgeting in LSGU, September 2007, 3 workshops (Cucer Sandevo, Pehchevo and Strumica);
- Writing Audit Reports, September 2007
- Internal control and internal audit in LSGU, June 2007
- Treasury operations in the LSGU, June 2007, (Veles);
- Participatory budgeting in LSGU, June 2007, 2 workshops (Delchevo and Probistip);
- Treasury operations, June 2007, (Struga);
- Assistance in the field of local tax administration and fees in LSGU, May 2007, 3 regional workshops (Dojran, 2 x Struga);
- Monitoring the process of fiscal decentralization, April, July, November 2007;
- Compilation of the annual account for 2006 with the public utility companies, February 2007, 2 regional workshops (Skopje and Kocani);
- Compilation of the annual account for 2006 in the budgets, budget users and user units, January, February 2007, 2 workshops (Ohrid and Skopje);
- Census 2006, December 2006, 2 workshops (Skopje);
- Financial reporting in the public utility companies in accordance with the International Accounting Standards, November 2006, (Ohrid);
- Implementation of the system of internal control, internal audit and fraud prevention in the LSGU, November, December 2006, 3 regional workshops (Ohrid, 2 x Dojran);
- Treasury operations and budgeting process in LSGU, October 2006, 2 workshops (Dojran and Skopje);
- Administration of local taxes and fees in the Units of Local Self-Government, September, October 2006, 3 regional workshops (Struga, Dojran, Mavrovo);
- Preparation of financial reports for the local self-government units, May 2006, (2 workshops Bitola);
- Compilation of the annual account for 2005 with the budgets, budget users and local self-government units, February 2006, (Struga);
- Compilation of the annual account for 2005 in the budgets, budget users and local self-government units, January 2006, (Skopje);
- Inventory of assets, receivables and liabilities for 2005, system of public procurement and preparation of cash flows, December 2005, (Skopje);
- Inventory of Assets, Claims and Liabilities for 2005 and Public Procurement System, December 2005, (Skopje);
- Reporting Process in the Units of Local Self-Government, November, December 2005, 4 regional workshops;
- Budgeting process in the local self-government units, October, November 2005, 4 workshops (Struga and Bitola);
- News in the treasury operations, June 2005, (Skopje);
- Workshops on Amendments to the LSGU Budget for 2005, June 2005 (two workshops), Bitola;
- Local taxes and fees, June 2005, (Bitola);
- Financial Management for a Successful Mayor, May 2005, (Struga);
- Comparability system, March 2005, (Ohrid);
- Preparation of the final account for LSGUs, PCEs and budget users, February 2005, (Struga, Skopje);
- Public Procurement, January 2005, (Skopje);
- Preparation of the census for 2004, December 2004, (Skopje);
- Comparability system, November 2004, (Ohrid);
- Budgeting process of the local self-government units, October – December 2004 (four regional workshops), Mavrovo, Star Dojran, Kocani, Ohrid;
- Comparability system, July 2004, (Skopje);
- Law on Public Procurement, – April – May (two workshops) 2004, (Bitola and Skopje);
- Presentation of an accounting program in LSGU, April – May 2004 (five workshops), Bitola, Mavrovo, Struga, Vinica and Strumica;
- Preparation of the final account for 2003, February 2004, (Struga);
- Budgeting process in LSGU for 2004, November – December 2003 (one joint and a series of five regional workshops), Veles, Bitola, Mavrovo, Ohrid, Vinica and Strumica;
- Office and archive work, September-October 2003, (Struga, Vinica, Bitola, Mavrovo, Strumica);
- Implementation of the new legal regulations in the field of accounting and introduction to the guidelines for the draft budget calculation for 2004, July 2003, (Struga);
- Presentation of the program for calculation of salaries, July 2003, (Veles);
- Status changes in the LSGU in accordance with the notification from the Ministry of Finance, March 2003, (Veles);
- Defining and strengthening the role of the Regional Coordinators, June 2003, (Bitola);
- Study for research of the situation in the Units of Local Self-Government as of 31.12.2002 in order to determine the level of management of the financial capacities and own revenues in the LSGU, April 2003, (Ohrid);
- Preparation of final accounts, January – February 2003, (Struga);
- Financial legislation and the effects of the financial operations of the NGO, February 2003 (3 workshops), Veles;
- Inventory of assets and sources of funds and adjustment of the accounting with the actual situation, December 2002, (Veles);
- Administrative and office work in NGOs, November 2002, (Veles);
- Property Tax Study, October 2002, (Struga);
- Financial management of the more functional local government, Series of 6 workshops;
- Budgeting Process in LSGU, November 2001, (Veles);
- The influence of the legal acts in the economic field in the financial operation of the NGO, August 2001, (Veles);
- The influence of the legal acts in the economic field in the financial operation of the NGO, July 2001, (Veles);
- Payment Transition, July 2001, (Veles);
- Preparation of final accounts, February 2001, (Struga);
- Adoption of a Strategic Plan and Work Plan, December 2000, (Delchevo);
- Budgeting process-mayors, October 2000, (Struga);
- Budgeting Process, September 2000, (Veles);
- Manner of preparation of the Strategic Plan, August 2000, (Bitola);
- Marketing Plan, June 2000, (Struga);
- Business Plan and Management, May 2000, (Struga);
- Law on Local Self-Government and VAT, April 2000, (Vinica);
- MSS, December 1999, (Bansko-Strumica);
- MSS, December 1999, (Krushevo);
- M.S.S, December 1999, (Radovish);
- Law on Public Procurement and Budgeting Process, March 1999, (Strumica);
- Law on Budgets and State Audit, May 1998, (Bitola);
- MSS, April 1998, (Stip);
- Budgeting Process in LSGU, March 1998, (Demir Kapija).
From the day of its establishment until now, over 100 bulletins have been issued, ie one bulletin per month.
- 1998 – 5 newsletters
- 1999 – 12 newsletters
- 2000 – 12 newsletters
- 2001 – 12 newsletters
- 2002 – 12 newsletters
- 2003 – 12 newsletters
- 2004 – 12 newsletters
- 2005 – 12 newsletters
- 2006 – 12 newsletters
- 2007 – 12 newsletters
- 2008 – 12 newsletters
- 2009 – 12 newsletters
- 2010 – 12 newsletters
- 2011 – 12 newsletters
- 2012 – 12 newsletters
- 2013 – 12 newsletters
- 2014 – 12 newsletters
- 2015 – 12 newsletters
- 2016 – 12 newsletters
- 2017 – 12 newsletters
- 2018 – 12 newsletters
- 2019 – 7 newsletters
The Association has published a series of Studies, Manuals and Guides, including:
- Property tax study
- A guide to financial legislation and the effects on the financial operations of non-governmental organizations
- Study for determining the financial capacities and the level of self-collection in the local self-government units
- A guide to office and archival work in municipalities
- Manual for preparation and presentation of the municipal budgets for 2004
- Budget message for the municipal budgets for 2004
- Budget Manual for the Municipal Budgets for 2004
- Study on the situation in the public utility companies
- Manual for preparation of the final accounts for the local self-government units for 2003
- Manual for preparation of final accounts for public utilities for 2003
- Manual for the budgeting process in the local self-government units for 2005
- Manual for compiling the annual account of the budgets, funds and users of the budgets and funds for 2004
- Manual for compiling the annual account with the public utility companies
- Public Procurement Manuals
- Asset Inventory Manuals
- Manual for preparation of the municipal budget
- Guide for installing software for preparation of the municipal budget
- Manual for reporting in the local self-government units
- Manual for compiling the final account of the budgets, funds and users of funds for the budgets and funds for 2005
- Application for the budgeting and reporting process in the local self-government (Instruction for installation and use)
- Manual for financial reporting in public utilities in accordance with International Accounting Standards
- Manual for administration of local taxes and fees in the Units of Local Self-Government (Macedonian-Albanian)
- Manual for Internal Control, Internal Audit and Prevention of Fraud in the Units of Local Self-Government (Macedonian-Albanian)
- Compilation of the annual account for 2006 in the budgets, budget users and user units
- Collection of laws and bylaws (additional seminar material)
- Manual for administration of local taxes and fees in the Units of local self-government (2)
- Writing audit reports (Macedonian-Albanian)
- Frequently asked questions in the field of treasury operations
- Compilation of the annual account for 2007 in the budgets, budget users and user units
- Final account for 2007 with public enterprises
- Law on Public Procurement in practice
- Collection of laws and bylaws for the administration of local taxes and fees
- Collection of laws and bylaws for internal audit
- Risk management strategy
- Financial Reporting Manual
- Accounting Manual for Budgets and Budget Users
- Veles, April 2014;
- Veles, September 2012;
- Veles, April 2011;
- Veles, June 2010;
- Veles, June 2009;
- Veles, May 2008;
- Veles, May 2007;
- Veles, April 2006;
- Veles, July 2005;
- Veles, June 2004;
- Ohrid, April 2003;
- Bitola, April 2002;
- Skopje, January 2001;
- Vinica, February 2000;
- Bitola, December 1998;
- Sofia, 1997;
- Sofia, 1998;
- Bratislava, 1999;
- Budva, 2009;
- Warsaw 2010.
- Prepared a proposal for enactment of a Law amending the Law on Property Taxes
- Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Internal Financial Control was prepared
- Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax has been prepared
- Prepared two initiatives for amendments to the Law on Budgets
- Submitted initiative for assessment of the constitutionality and legality of Article 3 paragraph, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Law on Payment of Wages in the Republic of Macedonia
- Participates with its representative in the working body at the Ministry of Local Self-Government for drafting the Law on Financing of LSGUs.
- Participates with its representatives in the Sub-Commission of ZELS for preparation of the new Draft-Law on financing of LSGU
In order to achieve the goals of local self-government, the Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding with several, both domestic and foreign organizations. The joint activities of the Association include: establishment of joint working groups, in order to monitor, analyze and evaluate the regulations in the LSGU in the area of budgets, to share their knowledge, ideas and opinions in areas of common interest and to publish articles in their newspapers.
- Memorandum of Cooperation with ZELS (Association of Local Self-Government Units)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Non-Governmental Organizations Veles – SNVO
- Memorandum of Understanding between USAID / Local Government Reform Project and the Association of Local Government Financial Workers and Publicly Owned Enterprises.
- Memorandum of cooperation with 8 other NGOs in the Republic of Macedonia
- Memorandum of Cooperation with WNG International
- Memorandum of International Cooperation with the Association for the Prevention of Economic Fraud from Bulgaria
- Memorandum of Cooperation with GTZ-IPS (German Association for Technical Cooperation)
- Memorandum of Understanding – IFAC
- Memorandum of Understanding with SNV (Dutch Development Organization)
- Developed and adopted Strategic Plan for the period 2000-2002,
- Work plan developed and adopted for 2001.
- Prepared and adopted Strategic Plan for the period 2003-2008,
- Developed and adopted work plan for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and proposed work plan for 2007
- USA – NGO Management Training, October – November 2005
- Karditsa – Greece, July 2004
- The Hague – The Netherlands, October 2003
- Arizona – USA, October 2001 Tucson – Washington DC